3 Things You Should Not Say To An Illinois Worker’s Compensation Doctor

After suffering a work injury, it is crucial to see a doctor as soon as possible. Failing to seek medical attention promptly after a work-related injury can cause your injury to worsen. Also, if you wait to see a physician, it can complicate your workers’ compensation claim. In Illinois, after a worker suffers a work-related injury, they can file a workers’ compensation claim against their employer’s insurer and recover benefits. If you wait to see a doctor after suffering a work-related injury, your employer’s insurance company might dispute the origin of your injury. The insurance company might claim that you suffered your injury in a different accident.
After a work injury, your doctor can help you establish a link between your injury and the incident you claim caused the injury. Your doctor will also provide their opinion, and their opinion can affect the outcome of your workers’ compensation claim. Depending on your doctor’s opinion, you can expect to see either a negative or positive outcome in your workers’ compensation case.
Because of how important your workers’ compensation doctor’s opinion is, you must be careful about what you tell your doctor. Below are three things you should not say to your Illinois workers’ compensation doctor;
You should be completely honest with your doctor. Be honest about how you sustained your injury and the pain you are experiencing. If you have a pre-existing injury, make sure your doctor knows about it. Some people worry that disclosing their pre-existing injury will prevent them from recovering workers’ compensation benefits. But this is not true. According to Illinois law, an employee can recover workers’ compensation benefits if a work accident aggravated their pre-existing injury. If, for example, you lie to your doctor about your pre-existing condition and they find out you lied, they may assume it is the same injury. Your doctor may assume it is not an injury worsened by your work accident. If this happens, it can lead to your workers’ compensation claim being denied.
Do not tell your workers’ compensation doctor any exaggerations. Do not exaggerate the pain you are experiencing or the symptoms of your injury. If, for example, the pain you are experiencing matches a six on the pain scale, do not say a nine so that you can make a point. Doctors are experienced in treating injuries and can tell if you are lying about the pain you are experiencing or the symptoms of your injury.
Negative Things About Your Employer
Depending on how you suffered your work injury, you might feel quite upset with your employer. You might also have negative feelings towards your employer if they are trying to fight your workers’ compensation claim. Being upset or having negative feelings is understandable, but avoid saying negative things about your employer to your workers’ compensation doctor. Remember that your workers’ compensation doctor may need to provide reports that disclose your conversations with them during appointments to your employer or employer’s insurance company. Comments about your boss in your doctor’s report can be used to gauge your credibility and temperament.
Contact a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you have a pending Illinois workers’ compensation claim and need legal help, contact our experienced Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer at Connolly Injury Law.