Chicago Union Worker Injury Lawyer

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Chicago Union Workers Injury Attorney

With every paycheck, union workers faithfully pay union dues. These dues pay for a number of programs which make work and family life better. But this money does not pay compensation to injured workers. To obtain fair compensation for your lost wages and medical bills, you need an experienced Chicago union worker injury claims lawyer.

At Connolly Injury Law, we are proud to represent injured union members throughout Chicagoland. We do more than provide legal help. We often conduct seminars, town halls, and other events in union halls. Many of our Chicago union claims attorneys come from union families, so we understand how much you give to the job. Our goal is to get you back on the line as soon as possible, because in the end, that’s what everyone wants.

Covered Injuries

Union workers, like all other Chicagoland workers, are susceptible to trauma injuries and occupational diseases while they are on the job.

Both blue collar and white collar workers risk serious fall injuries. Union members who work outside often must negotiate uneven terrain and carry heavy loads as they walk. Office workers have an even higher fall risk, mostly because of hazards like loose carpet or open file cabinet drawers.

Occupational diseases, such as hearing loss, are also an issue for union workers. Exposure to sounds as low as 35 decibels, which is basically a lawnmower engine, could cause permanent hearing loss. Like many other occupational diseases, hearing loss is easily treatable if doctors intervene early. But any delayed diagnosis or treatment could cause a permanent injury.

Your Claim for Damages

These injured victims need money to pay their medical bills. They also need to replace the lost wages their families count on for survival. Workers’ compensation takes care of both needs.

Generally, these no-fault benefits cover all reasonably necessary medical bills. These expenses are often quite large. The average injury-related hospital bill is over $50,000. Most families cannot possibly pay such expenses out of pocket, and most group health plans don’t cover injury-related claims.

Workers’ compensation benefits are incomplete without loss wage replacement. If victims have no money coming in, they are often tempted to take the insurance company’s first settlement offer. Wage replacement helps these families pay regular bills while the victim recovers. That money eases the emotional strain of a workplace accident and makes it easier for the victim to recover.

Procedurally, most workers’ compensation claims begin with a Claims Examiner review. Some unions provide assistance during this process, but most do not. Therefore, Claims Examiners deny most of the claims they review, at least in part.

At the next stage, which is a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge, our Chicago union worker injury claims attorneys have free reign to present evidence, challenge evidence, and make legal arguments. Therefore, victims have an excellent chance of obtaining maximum compensation. Insurance companies know this, which is why many of these claims settle out of court. An insurance company does not want to risk going toe-to-toe against our Chicago union worker injury claims attorneys.

Experienced Chicago Union Worker Injury Case Lawyer

Anytime that you are injured on the job, you have certain legal rights under Illinois Workers’ Compensation law. This includes the right to work with an independent Chicago union worker injury case lawyer to represent your interests. So even if you already belong to a union, attorney Mark Connolly and his team at Connolly Injury Law can help you obtain all of the benefits you are entitled to under the law.

You Do Not Have to Rely on the Union to Assert Your Legal Rights

Unions play an important role in our labor system. But unions are also complex bureaucracies unto themselves. This means that oftentimes the needs of the individual worker get lost in the process. And oftentimes, the union will steer an injured member towards an attorney with whom it has ties, which may create a conflict of interest. Ultimately, the union’s responsibility is to look out for the interest of its membership as a whole, not necessarily those of each individual member.

But when you are the one hurt on the job, you need to think about your needs–and those of your family–rather than what might be most convenient for the union. This is where working with your own personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney often makes sense. Your attorney can advise you about your rights and what steps might be necessary to maximize your benefits under Illinois workers’ compensation law.

It is also important to consider that many workplace accidents involve potential third-party claims that fall outside of the workers’ compensation system. Remember, workers’ compensation only provides limited wage replacement benefits for injured workers. It does not fully compensate you for all of your losses arising from an accident. But if someone other than your employer is to blame, you may have a viable personal injury lawsuit that can provide a fuller measure of compensation for you and your family.

Contact Connolly Injury Law Today

When it comes to any workers’ compensation claim, it is critical to act quickly to protect your rights. When an accident occurs at the job site, you need to notify both your boss and your union as soon as possible. This is just the first step in the workers’ compensation process. Your next step should be to contact a lawyer.

The reality is that even though Illinois workers’ compensation benefits are “no-fault,” many employers and insurance companies still drag their feet when it comes to paying up. You may be forced to undergo a series of medical exams to prove your injury. Even then, the employer may come up with some excuse to award you less than the law requires them to pay. Having your own attorney by your side can minimize the chance such delay tactics will succeed.

So if you have been hurt on the job and need to speak with a Chicago union type worker injury/workers comp case lawyer, contact Connolly Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Contact a Chicago Union Workers Injury Lawyer

Job-related injury victims are entitled to significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced union worker injury claim attorney in Chicago, contact Connolly Injury Law. Virtual, home, and hospital visits are available.

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