Monthly Archives: October 2023

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What To Do if Your Employer Is Violating Your Light-Duty Work Restrictions

After suffering a work-related injury, your life may be disrupted. You may be unable to go to work as you [...]


Workers’ Compensation Claims for Work-Related Auto Accidents

You probably already know that Illinois employers are required by law to pay workers’ compensation benefits to employees who suffer [...]


Are Seasonal Workers in Illinois Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Seasonal workers are any workers who are employed in temporary employment situations that repeat themselves yearly around the same time. [...]


Why Is It Important to Report a Work Injury Promptly?

After suffering a work-related injury, it is crucial that you report your injury promptly to your employer. In Illinois, the [...]


Common Challenges Employees Face When Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Suffering a work-related injury is the last thing any worker wants to happen to them. A work-related injury can cause [...]

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